Welcome to the Fall 2024 session of the

Brookdale HSA After School Enrichment Program!

Welcome to the Fall 2024 session of the Brookdale HSA After School Enrichment Program!


Most classes begin the week of October 7th. Classes will meet 5 times during the ssion, unless otherwise noted. Due to school closures, classes will not meet Monday October 14th or during the week of November 4th.


Classes are held at the school, from 3:30-4:30 pm. Supervising Teachers are responsible for taking attendance, ensuring students reach the correct enrichment classes and periodically monitoring the classes for behavioral issues.


Registration will open Thursday, September 26th, at 8 pm and will remain open till 8pm, Sunday, September 29th. No registrations will be accepted after registration has closed. No exceptions can be made.


Refunds must be requested prior to the start of class. No refunds can be issued once classes have begun.


Classes may be canceled if their minimum number of students is not reached.


Registration will be done via Google Forms. Completing a Google Form is not a guarantee of enrollment. Registrations will be accepted in the order in which they were received, verified by time stamps. Once registration is confirmed, you will be emailed a code and directed to the HSA website to remit payment. Payment window will be open October 1st and October 2nd. Payment must be received during this window in order to ensure your child’s spot is reserved.

Registrations received after a class has filled, but prior to the registration deadline, will be automatically added to a waitlist and you will receive an email notifying you as such.


Any questions, please contact HSA Afterschool Enrichment co-Chairs:

Laurie Orosz:[email protected] and Allison Portney Ochiltree: [email protected]